The Auditor maintains an accurate record of property ownership and parcel identification and collects conveyance fees required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 319.20 and 322.02.
Conveyances cost $4.00 per thousand of the value being conveyed and $0.50 per parcel. Exempt conveyances only cost $0.50 per parcel.
Property transfers can be presented in person in our conveyance room during regular business hours Monday through Friday. If you are not familiar with our policies and procedures it is important to review our conveyance standards found in this section under its own tab. The standards identify our requirements for deeds, transfers, conveyance fees, and survey requirements. If after reviewing our standards you still have questions, we invite you to call our office where our staff will assist you. Our goal is to help you get it right the first time. The conveyance standards were written as a collaborative effort between the Trumbull County Auditor and Trumbull County Engineer.
In addition, we will accept transfers mailed to our office at 160 High Street NW, Warren, OH 44481. Mail ins must include the transfer documents. We also require a self-addressed stamped envelope for returning the documents after transfer or should we not be able to complete the transfer. Checks must be made out to the Trumbull County Auditors Office in the correct amount due. If the amount is incorrect, it will be returned in the envelope you provide. In many cases asking the right questions will avoid unnecessary delays.
Filing a Deed
Without a documented deed transaction, a property transfer cannot happen. Deed filings must be accompanied by the appropriate forms and a legible copy of the last deed of record first to the Tax Map's Office, then to the Auditor's Office, and finally in the Recorder's Office
Warren, OH 44481
Second floor of the Administration Building

Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Manufactured Or Mobile Home Conveyance Fee Statement Of Value And Receipt (DTE 100m)Real Property Conveyance Fee Statement Of Value And Receipt (DTE 100)
Statement Of Reason For Exemption From Manufactured And Mobile Home Conveyance Fee (100m(Ex)
Statement Of Reason For Exemption From Real Property Conveyance Fee (DTE 100ex)
Statement of Conveyance of Current Agricultural Use Valuation Property (DTE FORM 102)