Contact Information

The mission of the Trumbull County CSEA is to provide in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and guidelines, for the establishment, enforcement, and collection of child support and related services for the benefit of clients and children in a timely, efficient, informative and professional manner.

(330) 675-2732
(330) 675-2746
159 East Market St, Suite 200 Warren, OH 44481
M-F 8:30am - 4:15pm (excluding legal holidays)

** No payment window

TDD: (800) 750-0750
Toll Free in Ohio: (800) 720-2732
SETS Voice Response Unit: (800) 860-2555

Encourage your child's healthy growth and development at home by attending a 3-week program sponsored by the Trumbull County Fatherhood Initiative.
Services: Collection of Child Support | Enforcing Child Support | Establishing Child Support | Establishing Paternity
Modifying the Child Support Order | Seasonal Processes

What are the costs for services?

There are no costs as the CSEA has waived the application fee and there are no charges for our services.

Whom can the CSEA help?

Services are automatically available to all families actively receiving cash assistance or Medicaid benefits as a participant in the Ohio Works First (OWF) Program through the County Department of Jobs & Family Services. Individuals who are receiving cash assistance (OWF) are required to cooperate with the CSEA in efforts to establish and enforce child support obligations. While on assistance, support payments for OWF participants are forwarded to the State of Ohio.

Non-recipients of OWF who reside in Trumbull County or individuals who no longer live in Trumbull County but have a Trumbull County support order are also eligible for services from the CSEA by simply completing a IV-D application for services which is available on this website or by calling the CSEA at (330) 675-2732.

What services does the CSEA provide to the public?

Depending on the nature of your case, the CSEA may be able to provide one or more of the following services:

  • Establish paternity for children born out of wedlock or for whom paternity is still a legal issue
  • Establish child support orders
  • Establish orders for maintaining health insurance for the children
  • Collect and disburse support payments and maintain records for such transactions on all Trumbull County judicial and administrative support orders
  • Assist Trumbull County residents or individuals with a Trumbull County support order in modifying or enforcing the payment of support obligations
  • Initiate income-withholding orders to assure payment of support obligations. Methods include the attachment and/or withholding from personal earnings, accounts from a financial institution, unemployment benefits, worker's compensation benefits, retirement benefits, and federal and state income tax refunds and other federal benefits (for chld support cases only). Other means of collection may be available depending on the nature of your support case.
  • Location of absent parents who have a duty to pay child support
  • Assistance in the enforcement of orders pertaining to health insurance

What types of cases does the CSEA not become involved with?

The CSEA does not become involved in the following:

  • Visitation issues, including requests for enforcing or establishing visitation rights
  • Determination of a child/children's custody, including requests for changes and/or modifying custody or a change in residential parent
  • Property settlement issues
  • Arresting or physically detaining anyone. The County Sheriff is responsible for these actions
  • Obtaining documents for your case such as a birth certificate, divorce decree, tax returns, or other necessary paperwork. These documents may be obtained by contacting the appropriate court, health department or taxing entity

Does the CSEA provide legal representation to me or to any of the other parties in the case?

No. The CSEA and the Prosecuting Attorneys connected with the CSEA represent the State of Ohio and no attorney-client relationship exists between the CSEA (or Prosecuting Attorney) and the parent or related party. The caretaker parent (i.e., the parent or party providing direct care of the child/children) both have the right to engage private legal counsel.

What if I currently live in Trumbull County but have a support order that has been established in another Ohio county?

You should contact the CSEA in the Ohio county where the child support order was issued.

What if I currently live in Trumbull County but I have a support order that has been issued by a court or agency in another state?

You can contact Trumbull County CSEA and apply for child support services. Depending on the rules and regulations of the other state, you may also be able to contact the other state for service.

When contacting the CSEA, what information should I have available?

Depending on the nature of your situation, the following information may be needed:

  • Name and address of the parent who is obligated to pay support, as well as who is receiving the support payments
  • Copies of the child/children's birth certificate
  • The names and addresses of the obligor's (payer) current or recent employer or sources of income
  • The names and addresses of the obligor's friends and relatives who the obligor may have contact with
  • Information about the income and other assets of the obligor, including but not limited to copies of pay stubs, tax returns, bank accounts, investments, property holdings, and professional licenses
  • If paternity is an issue, the names and addresses, and any other relevant information, on all presumed and alleged fathers
  • Copies of Court Orders
  • Social Security numbers of the parties
  • Any other information you would like to provide to the CSEA

What if I have a case with the Trumbull County CSEA and I move?

You must inform the CSEA in writing. Be sure to include your case name and number. Submitting a change of address to the Post Office will not change your address with the CSEA.