Workforce Development Committees
Ohio Means Jobs Center Committee
- Review and discuss activities and initiatives pertinent to the OMJ Center operations, inclusive of Partner relations..
- Reviews participant traffic, workshop delivery, outreach, and other metrics and data.
- Provide venue for services to disabled persons and provides a platform for diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies.
February; May; August; November
Planning and Monitoring Committee
- Monitor and discuss program performance and expenditures, as well as participation of WIOA, CCMEP, adult, dislocated worker, special initiatives and grants.
- Recruitment, outreach, participant traffic are topics of discussion
- Review activities and outcomes of workforce efforts in Trumbull County.
January; April; July; October
Youth Committee
- Discuss and plan workforce Activities for WIOA/ CCMEP Youth, aged 14-24.
- Discuss implementation of activities for in-school and out-of-school youth, inclusive of service providers, training, work experience, referrals, assessments, supportive services and guidance.
- Reviews Youth provider performance and expenditures.
January; April; July; October
By-Laws Committee
- Create, review, and update, as necessary, the By-Laws of the Board for compliance with WIOA, Department of Labor, State of Ohio, and other authority compliance..
Workforce Development Board
- Review and approve sub-committee reports; staff reports; new policies; policy revisions; new initiatives; planned activities; expenditure reports; enrollment reports; operational updates; administrative updates; and other governance matters.
February; May; August; November
Any questions about the Workforce Development Board can be forwarded to William J. Turner, Executive Director at